Friday, August 25, 2017

Three means of achieving perfect outcome independence

I wrote yesterday about the concept of outcome independence, that is, not worrying about the results of your actions. So what should we focus on then? Here are three healthy foci that you can control because they're all based on your actions.

1) Focus on the process. Here your interest needs to shift off of what you can achieve through the process and on to mastery of the process itself. Your focus, moment by moment, is on performing the tasks necessary for your business with as much excellence as possible. You might try to improve your quality or your speed as you compete against your previous record. 

You become fearless because your objectives have nothing to do with what will happen. We have no control over the outcome, but we have complete control over our own actions. So if you master the actions that tend to produce the outcome you want, you're more likely to get what you want than if you'd remained a novice.

2) Focus on doing good for others. You can't go wrong by doing right. If you see a kid drowning in a pool, you aren't thinking about how silly you'll look with wet clothes or about how poor of a swimmer you are. You're the only one that can help him and it doesn't matter what's in your way. 

You can find that same energy for helping others through your business. In order for this to work, obviously your service needs to be one that actually does good for others in a way you're passionate about. 

3) Focus on pleasing God. The first line of my catechism says the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. If you ever wondered what the meaning of life is or what your purpose is, this is it: it's literally what you were created to do. Moreover, God is the only one with any control over the outcome, and is the rewarder of the proud doer.

This is the highest level we can operate on, but it's also the most difficult to stay on because of our tendency to corrupt our dealings with God. But you're unstoppable while you're walking with the Lord in your business, judging every action you take by what God thinks of it.

I think it's best to have all three foci in view, namely because you can use the first two as your means to do the third. Try to maintain a balance between thinking about mastery and thinking about helping others. Mastery adds skill to helping others, while helping gives context to your mastery, while glorifying God gives purpose to both. 

Remember to follow my posts and reach out to me with any thoughts you have. Thanks!

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